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To what extent does personality influence your view of beauty? Both men and women desire the "perfect mate" - having a great personality along with good looks. In our opinion, beauty does not always require physical abilities, beauty can also come from the inside and personality, but most people do not picture beaty as such. Looking at humor, intelligence, and confidence, beauty is influenced by these aspects that defines the varieties of what a person looks for in a short-term or long-term relationships. 

When we talk about the meaning of beauty, we think of two types, physical looks an individual may have or the that individuals personality. Looking at our article, "More than just a pretty face: men's priority shifts toward bodily attractiveness in short-term versus long-term mating contexts" written by Jaime C. Confer, Carin Perilloux, and David M. Buss, we understood that men prefer a women with a kind personality when it comes to long term relationships whereas men looking for short term relationships tend to prefer women with good physical looks. 

Short -Term vs. Long-Term Relationship

Anthony Keshishian 

We interviewed a fellow grant lancer to see what he thinks about beauty. His basic response to our questions was that he believed that physical looks where more important because he was not looking for a long term relationship. We feel that this also has to do with the individuals maturity level as well. Those who tend to go for short term relationships are not mature enough to look for personality and just prefer the best looking mate whereas those in long term relationships are mature enough to realize that not everyone is perfect and are able to look past physical looks and are able to see what really matters, an individuals personality. Based on both our interviews and research, we agree with the motion of men perfecting women with either physical looks or personality based on the amount of time they are willing to be with that person. 

Through the article "Men's facial masculinity predicts changes in their female partner's sexual interests across the ovulatory cycle, whereas men's intelligence does not" by Gangestad, Thornhill, and Garver-Apgar, the authors stressed how women did not find intelligent men attractive. However, they created a study in which women would choose from intelliogent and creative men or wealthy and less telented men. Researchers included women finding intelligent men attractive in their late follicular phrase, but this evidence did not suggest strong compellent evidence to conclude for all women. The authors argued how this study, could have been easily manipulated by the researcher or by itself. For instance, the intelligent creative men could have had more/less confidence or could have smelled more weird than the wealthy, talentless men. the authors believe how there

Is intelligence really important?

Boris Fuentes

was a chance of multiple delterious variables in which could have harmed the women's train of thought when choosing intelligent men or wealthy men. The authors additonally contrasted this study because they could not serach for any other study in which compramised thi study. Thus, they inevetably concluded women not finding intelligent men attractive. However, we could noit argue the same conclusion for men. With extensive research, we interviewed a man named Boris Fuentes, whom was 44 and married. He described his ideal woman as "smart, honest, party-girl, and fun to be around with". Mr. Fuentes argued how it is not mostly about the beauty or looks, but personality takes 20% on his view of women, whther she is a "keeper" or not. He did not say much about whether he finds intelligent women attractive but it caught my attention when he continuously asked for every question whether if it was short-term or long-term relationship. it seemed as if it did make a difference because he siad how he would date any woman with beauty for a short-term. Whereas on the other hand, he preffered women's personality over looks.

Cydney Henderson

Meaning of Humor

According to Eric R. Bressler and Sigal Balshine in "The influence of humor on desirability", the function of humor has not been studied that much through Darwin's point of view. Researchers conducted experiments that included two people that were presented with either humorous statements or not, in hope to find if having a humorous personality is a benefit when it comes to sexual selection. What they found out was women who looked at men think that having a humorous personality is one of the things they look for in a relationship. They also found out that both male and female participants think that people with sense of humor are not as wise and dependable than people who do not have a sense of humor, but they are more social than others. 

In general, according to Ms. Henderson, someone’s personality does influence her view of beauty because beauty does not only reside on the outside; it is also on the inside. She believes that someone who is kind, thoughtful, and respectful is more beautiful than just a pretty face. She also added that not everyone who has a pretty face is a good person. According to her, looks can be very deceiving. When it comes to humor, Ms. Henderson likes a good laugh. She said that "I love a person that entertains me. A person with a good sense of humor will make a relationship even more worthwhile because it will lead to fun memories and good laughs". Ms. Henderson personally prefers a person with a good sense of humor becuause it will not make things socially awkward and that peron is good with other people as well. 

Does confidence play a role?

When tested and asked, majority of men stated that they would not mind having a partner or significant other, that's a female, who is smarter than them.If the female outscores the male, that;s when his confidence and self-esteem decreases. According to the article "Acting a fool: Why is female intelligence a turnoff for some men - even those who profess otherwise?" by Jena Pincott, explains that men's confidence lowers due to the fact that they are able to "attribute this to traitional gender roles, biology, and evolutionary biases that favor aggression and rivalry".

Michelle Portillo

Men's ego is altered to do the fact that a female has outsmarted them. they are able to see it as a challenge and a threat. So when it comes to the question To what extent does personality influence your view of beauty?, the extent is that the confidence of men when it comes to a woman's intelligence. A man finds a woman attractive if she's smart, but if she outsmarts him, he loses interest and finds her less attractive. The person I interviewed was Michelle Portillo. She had a different mind set of what the majority of the article states but has the similar mindset of what the article is trying to get at when it mentions the "we" part. Michelle explains how she'd want someone smarter than her but also balance it out because it shows how they both have and share the same goals and mentality.  

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